Friday, June 24, 2005

Down came the rain and washed the spider out...

As I mentioned some time ago, the monsoons have finally begun in earnest. In fact, for the last two days or so, it's been raining almost nonstop. This bugs the hell out of my sister, who has to go to college and coaching classes. Meanwhile, I can relax like the lazy bum that I am and spend all my time indoors...and watch the steadily growing puddle(about the size of a small pond) in front of the park outside. Thankfully the other half of the road is clear, so people can move around without trouble.

Yesterday a rather weird thing happened to my monitor - I turned it on and things were weirdly out of focus. Following the time tested First Law of Computer Fixes, I turned off the machine, jiggled the appropriate cables, and turned it on again. Presto - instant fix.

The same thing happened again today, and this time I fixed it with two restarts. Provisional theory: excess moisture content in the air is causing dew formation on the electron guns. The heat from turning it on is enough to fix it... Solution: stick silica bags around the monitor. Anyone else who has had this problem, drop me a line...

And now, on to cryptography and recurrence relations...

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