Wednesday, June 01, 2005

A brief respite...

This little post is meant as a bit of a break for me. Systems Programming is as devastating as always, and having to cram it into one's head in a single day is not a feat to be taken lightly. Anyway, the story so far: exams are on in full swing - 2 down, 4 to go. The exams themselves aren't that bad - it's the mind numbing drudgery of studying for them that gets you. After that, it's all autopilot really. Over 10 years of doing memory intensive exams like these does that to you. Probably a subconscious defense mechanism designed to protect more important areas of the brain...

And now the part we all love, Firefox extensions! Whoopee...
Epsum factorial non deposit quid pro quo hic escorol. Olypian quarrels et gorilla congolium sic ad nauseum. Souvlaki ignitus carborundum e pluribus unum. Defacto lingo est igpay atinlay.
Before you start trying to translate that, a word of advice - it's just gibberish. Part of this cute little Firefox extension called the Lorem Ipsum Generator. Not exactly useful, but then computers were made for goofing off anyway...

In the same spirit, another interesting extension is the hilarious Firesomething . This little piece of work generates a new browser name every time you open a new window. Which is why I'm currently typing this in Mozilla Hypnosalmon...

People with an overdeveloped aesthetic sense, Nuke Anything is just for you. With this little baby you can remove annoying objects from pages - kill ads, revolting graphics, or just manifestations of really ugly design...In case you get the wrong idea, this doesn't *really* change the page, just your view of it. So don't yell to everyone, "I deleted the Google logo! Come and see!" Sorry chaps, you'll need to learn how to hack for that...

If you're anything like me, then you have music playing while you're surfing, coding, studying or just messing around. FoxyTunes gives you the power to control your favourite player through Firefox, via this little toolbar that appears in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. Of course, the toolbar is only for novices - the true geek will only use keyboard shortcuts!

Note to those who're falling over each other to download it: You might want to reconfigure the default shortcuts - some of them interfere with the kind of keyboard work you do while typing into text areas(like when you blog).
(PS: If you aren't the kind of person who can select multiple lines of text using the keyboard, this preceding warning does not apply to you.)

Time for me to get back to studying. Feeling nice and refreshed now...Macro processors, here I come!

BTW, I recommend Yanni's Flight of Fantasy and Swept Away while studying. No words to distract you, and a superbly measured dash of optimistic elements to keep your spirits up. Hats off to the master...

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