Tuesday, November 29, 2005

One down

So that's it for Intelligent Systems. Pretty okay exam, except for the scary first question asking us to design an expert system for software testing. Naturally, most people wrote stuff about all sorts of related things, while dancing around/diverting attention from the main question. Makes you wonder how many of our politicians are engineers...:)

Incredibly, they actually asked us a question on genetic algorithms. I hadn't studied a word about it, but that didn't make a difference, since I wrote a little genetic algorithms framework in Java over a year ago, and then ported it to Python to boot. I have a feeling that I and Hrishikesh were the only people who weren't caught on the wrong foot by it.

Sagar blogs again! It's a miracle...

He actually plans to do it again today. That'll be another miracle.

I'm beginning to wonder if I should produce one blog post after every exam. With the nice long holidays, I shouldn't have any trouble fitting it in with the usual punishing schedule of studies.

Off I go to fight with my sister for a bit...

1 comment:

SagYer said...

"Naturally, most people wrote stuff about all sorts of related things, while dancing around/diverting attention from the main question."
Obviously!! Who is gonna throw away 20 mks just like that when u can get away writing any nonsense!?!

I have examples to prove it.
Vishal from our class didnt know anything in CP2. He fekofied and got 70. I got 50, which turned to 51 after getting it re-evaluated, even though i knew quite a lot of CP2.
Our IP term test - I did not know a single point of difference in a DB. I wrote 4 points. Scored 27/30 on that test.

Sadly, thats how it works.