Wednesday, August 31, 2005


The last post celebrated my first successful division 1 TopCoder match - this one celebrates my breaking into the ranks of the top 50 Indian TopCoders!

Ok, so I'm still ranked 48, but still, it's cause for celebration(while it lasts)! My highest rating yet - looks like all that div 1 practice paid off. Now I'd better start practicing 500 pointers if I want to keep my 1309 rating...Next SRM is in a week, and we have a nice long weekend coming up, so...

Remarks: The div 1 550 was one cool problem! I've got an idea of how to do it, though I haven't worked out all the details yet. That's next up on the agenda, but I'll probably read CLRS for a bit - in that sort of mood right now...

Might just get that GCJ shirt after all...let's wait and see. In any case, there's always next year's TCO, TCCC, GCJ - and maybe GICJ 2(the Indian edition of the Code Jam). Hopefully I'll be good enough to give people a run for their money by then!

And with that, this overly optimistic post comes to an end...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats bro. Hope it gets better. Best of luck for all the stuff you are doing.