Saturday, July 09, 2005

Got into Infy!

So we had the Infosys placement yesterday, and guess who got in...

This was supposed to be a rather in-depth look at the interview process, but I'm a little tired right now, so let's skip the details and go to the gist of things...If this seems a little below my usual post standard - chalk it up to fatigue and boredom...

As interviews go, this was a bit of a deviation from the norm. Of course, Infy is a deviation from the norm as far as companies go, so this just reflects that. There's this huge emphasis on puzzle solving and creativity, which is great, at least as far as I'm concerned. This eliminates a pretty sizable amount of people - but that's hardly a bad thing.

Speaking of the people that Infy seems to pick up - only a handful of them were toppers - by and large, the lot of us were pretty good students, but not excellent ones. Supports what I say about the imperfections of our system.

The aptitude test was pretty good - actually had me scratching my head in a few cases. Fell victim to bad policy - should have answered everything, not just those I knew, since there was no negative marking. Anyway, I made it past their cutoffs, so I'm not complaining...

The really fun thing was their HR interview - there was the standard HR spiel, but it was spiced up with some real interesting questions and puzzles - one puzzle in my case, but up to 3 in some other cases...I'll save the questions for another time...suffice it to say they dealt with stuff like planning and high level strategy, project management, leadership skills, etc. No dirty details, just zoomed out, big picture stuff...

They ended up picking up about 22 people from my college, 7 or 8 of whom were from my class. Apparently, these guys really follow through on their mantra of "We hire for potential." So even guys who are studying Civil/Auto/Production Engg can and do get through.

In other news, I nearly won my room in the last TC match - and lost it when my 500 pointer failed because I misunderstood the problem statement. The really sad thing is that if I had read it properly, I would have actually ended up in the match editorial for the fastest div 2 500 solution...The upside is that my rating went up anyway! Go figure....

Really sad thing now - college begins tomorrow morning, which means I'm gonna miss some TC matches for sure unless Wednesdays and Thursdays have sensible time tables...Worse, I'll have to start getting up early routinely, and there's no more chance to goof off - not that I had much time for that - what with placements and CS GRE stuff. The only consolation is that the CS is enormously stimulating - but now time is really going to be an issue...

Time to sleep - should manage 5.5 hours or so...and then the rat race begins again...


Anonymous said...

As the Kiwi's love to say"Good on you"!!
Well done and keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

INFY! Congratulations brother! I sent you an email at gmail. Did you get it?

Nadeem Mohsin said...

Thanks - I got the mail, BTW, but the net was down for a day or so, so I only just saw it...Will definitely consider it, but as the blog says - time is short. And now we have a final year project to think about to boot, and I have the TOEFL in 2 weeks...

Tell me about the plugin - might be interesting to hear about, even if there's no time to actually code it up...