Saturday, May 07, 2005

The Python Challenge

Here's a very interesting website I ran into by accident - The Python Challenge. Basically they give you a rather cryptic looking riddle to start off. The solution to each riddle gives you the URL for the next page, where you find yet another riddle, and so on...Puzzle lovers be warned, this requires some knowledge of a programming or scripting language(Python is the obvious favourite, though Perl is also pretty useful). Apparently the whole thing is divided into several levels of increasing difficulty- with 19 levels put up so far. I've demolished the first 4 levels, and enjoyed it hugely! Haven't had so much fun in years, and it gives me a chance to get back to Python after several months.

For those who've been there - my personal fave was level 4 - 'follow the chain.' Currently stuck at level 5. I've cracked the clue, but the output from my code leaves me no wiser than before. Anyone with an idea, let me know...


Anonymous said...

Just what on earth is Topcoder & Python? Are these games on Playstation or are we talking some sort of coded language used by computer programmers?

Nadeem Mohsin said...

Hmmm, really should be more clear for my non-tech audience. Topcoder is a website where they have online programming competitions for people from all over the world. Python, on the other hand, is a relatively new and powerful programming language. Check out the links if you want to know more - though they aren't likely to be interesting to anyone other than programmers and puzzle freaks...