Thursday, April 21, 2005

Finally got around to it...

Whew! Must have gone through at least 15 possible urls before hitting on one that was available - and that one was created in answer to all possible variants of my name being taken on Yahoo. Nothing like the Web to teach you about infinity...kinda reminds me of some famous chap who stood up to give an after dinner speech and said "Hang these fellows, who have said all the good things before us!" Well, hang these fellows, who have taken all our cool URLs!

At any rate, I've finally got around to starting a blog. Seems pretty unlikely to me that anyone will want to read the bilge I write...but being a bloody minded chap, I'll write it anyway.

Sadly, there isn't much I can write about at the moment. For now it's off to dinner and a quick review of computer graphics for tomorrow's practical exam + vivas...hopefully sheer programming skill will win the day. Until my next post, then, thank you and good night(man, I always wanted to say that!).

1 comment:

SagYer said...

How do u do it Nad?? A great blend of criticism, satire an downright humour... Great writing.... U keep writing, we keep reading, n hopefully, commenting.