The story as of the 25th: Web Technologies submissions are on. Vivas are scheduled for the 4th or 5th, so we're all pretty comfortable about things, when suddenly WHAM! - vivas are moved to the 27th and 28th, throwing all our nicely made study plans into disarray...
The chap in charge starts making trouble, and calls us on the 26th. We duly turn up - and find out that he hasn't bothered to come! What's more, a little investigation reveals that he probably never had any intention of turning up either. How the hell can anyone place so little value on other people's time? There's already a long history of completely ignoring the needs of students in our college(I can't speak for other colleges, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be a university wide phenomenon.), but this beats all records - or so I thought. A friend of mine from Electronics told me that the final year Electronics guys had an even worse experience...apparently they had vivas on the 28th, and the external turned up on the 27th.
What happens? Do they tell the external to come later, since 70 students will have no end of trouble otherwise? Far from it. Instead, they call up the entire class and tell them to turn up at once. To top it all off, they're told that if they don't get to college on time, they will fail that particular subject! This isn't just injustice - it's an ugly combination of misuse of power, incompetence, lack of consideration for students, too much undeserved respect for authority, and arbitrary high handedness. To put this into perspective, I have a friend who lives so far off that he takes over 2 hours just to commute from home to college. If there were any such unfortunates in the Electronics class, God help them...
(Interesting quote: Never attribute to malevolence what could have been due to ignorance. Might actually be applicable to this situation...)
Back to the Web Tech vivas - eventually we get things straightened out and submissions are done - in less than 30 seconds, to boot! And for this he made a bunch of us wait two days??!!
The vivas start up. The other guy in charge - the fellow who was supposed to teach us, but for some unspecified reason never did - begins to ask questions. At the outset, his mood seems good, so people come out with reports of very simple questions. Near the end his mood turns ugly, and the group before us is left gaping (ostensibly because they couldn't find anything to say). No points for guessing who ends up in the last group - and who gets the worst question of the entire damned vivas...
The problem wasn't that he asked us this - the problem was that none of this had ever been taught, owing to our ridiculously nonstandard schedules and messed up timings. To expect us to learn it in two days with all these other swords hanging over our heads is madness of the highest order. And apparently the only reason I got the big enchilada was that the other two guys with me were confused by simpler questions(which I could have answered in my sleep).
Anyway, I made one hell of an effort and actually figured out half of the devastating question the chap posed. At this point, the Infotech class comes in to finish off their submissions, so we're finally let off. At least I did better than the other two guys - but that's hardly much consolation - if I had either of their questions, I could have finished them off in a couple of minutes. Murphy wins again...
Still, the guy had a strange ability - he deduced the extent of our hastily crammed in knowledge from less than three questions. Once he had identified the stuff that we didn't know, he proceeded to grill us on exactly that...yeesh.
I often wonder what exactly makes some of our teachers such utter sadists - it's not even like they all have this problem. Our 3rd semester Electrical Networks prof was one of the nicest people I've ever been taught by, but there are several examples of profs who think nothing of deliberately misusing their power to cause trouble for students who have offended them in some way(often something so damn trivial that the poor student doesn't even know). There's even one guy(who's no longer teaching here, thank God) who, as far as we can see, caused trouble simply because he could. Thankfully, his responsibilities have now been given over to a teacher who will never mess around the way he did.
Anyway, a little thinking about this problem produced the following theory. The way India's IT industry is going, every Tom, Dick and Harry with(or without) a degree, and a moderate amount of talent, is immediately picked up by some company. The best minds end up abroad, doing research(which is practically non existent in Indian universities). Now that almost all the people who are really good at computers have been removed, who do we have left? The dregs at the bottom of the coffee cup - the ones you probably wouldn't trust to defrag your hard disk properly. Very few people of any real talent stay in education - teachers are grossly underpaid - thus fulfilling the age old adage "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." In essence, we're being taught by a bunch of guys who see their students going on to more lucrative jobs every year, and who know that they are not good enough to do the same. No wonder they make trouble for students - imagine the painful knowledge of your own inadequacy being clobbered into your head year after year.
Combine this with my earlier post on systems losing sight of their core vision, and you'll understand why this phenomenon deserves attention. Visions of India as a future IT superpower will never be realised as long as this goes on.
Lest you think that I can do nothing but complain - here are 3 things that could serve as the beginning of a solution:
- Get the government to pour more money into education, so that the brains will remain there.
- Set up research programs in universities, and establish a solid industry interface. This useless system of people learning how to give exams, and then teaching others how to give exams, has got to go.
- The most important of all - when the teacher becomes unreasonable, give the students the right to tell them why and get away with it. Every time anyone tries this, they're told not to argue - as one prof once said, and I quote, "Don't make argument." Yeesh.
That concludes the rant for today. On to other news...
Looks like my family is finally coming back from Malaysia - the flight is due at 8 pm tonight...can't wait to see what I've got(greedy look in eyes)...
Better get back to work now. Off to study again...
PS: In case any of you don't get the title, it's an allusion to a chap in Greek mythology called Damocles who had to sit under a sword suspended by a piece of string, never knowing when it was going to come slicing down and send him to kingdom come...